Scholarship Requests for AALA Round-Up, Inc.

Scholarship requests will be accepted from __________ to __________.

A limited number of scholarships will be available for this year’s AALA Round-Up, Inc. conference. These scholarships cover registration for the conference, including all workshops, meetings, events, and activities during the weekend. Other meals not included as part of conference events will be the responsibility of the scholarship recipient. Accommodations and transportation to Los Angeles are not included.

AALA Round-Up, Inc. is committed to providing opportunities for LGBTQIA2S+ individuals in recovery who may not otherwise be able to attend the conference due to financial constraints. These scholarships are intended for LGBTQIA2S+ individuals in recovery who cannot afford the registration fee themselves. While there is no minimum sobriety time requirement, all applicants must identify as an alcoholic or addict in recovery.


  1. Must be an LGBTQIA2S+ individual in recovery (please provide your sobriety date).

  2. Submit a brief essay (1–2 paragraphs) explaining:

    • Why you would like to receive a scholarship.

    • What you hope to gain from attending the AALA Round-Up, Inc. Roundup.

  3. Without providing specific financial details, share why you qualify for financial assistance.

Scholarship recipients will be selected at random from all valid applications. Notifications will be sent to recipients by __________.

Get in touch.